Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Paw Is Here With The News

Boy life can be a challenge. If that isn't enough of a challenge, the news brings more. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
1: Wowza! A blizzard in June...
Copter Plucks 2 Hikers From Mount

2: Whoa! I understand the scans on our luggage, but we still deserve some privacy...
Security scans at airports will show sex organs-nuttynuttynews

3: Getting high in Afghan?...
Afghans uncover 260 tons of hashish in record

4: Do the candidates know how much influence their wives have...
Wives Matter In Race And By

5: This is true humanity at it's best...
Farms Take Root in Detroit's

6: If this child can smile after what she's been through, she has amazing strength...

7: The next thing ya know, wearing shoes will cause our toes to shrink...
9: This canine might think twice before swallowing something...
VIDEO: Dog Eats Poison

10: Please! This has never been about gender or race, give it up already...

Thank you for joining me today. This is Pup Paw reminding you that this Sunday, wish your Paw a happy Fathers Day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Media: How Things Have Changed

Internet Versus Paper Media

Not long ago Americans assiduously read morning and afternoon newspapers and Time and Newsweek delivered analysis and trend pieces. No longer – instant news is available on the web, broadcast to iPods and cell phones before the blood has even started in congeal. Over the past 11 years, circulation at both mags has plummeted. Time suffered a cut of roughly one fourth — from 4.1 million in 1996 to 3.1 million in 2007 — according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Newsweek’s drop (from almost 3.2 million in 1996 to 3.0 million in 2007) was less dramatic but still significant. At the same time newspaper circulation is withering, and hardly a month passes with another newspaper’s funeral notice. To survive many newspapers and both magazines have abandoned their once proud and even coveted impartiality's in favor of sensationalism and bias pandering to subscribers or more importantly would be subscribers. It could give a short term bounce but longer term “tree” based print media are doomed – perhaps not to dinosaur like extinction, yet – doomed nonetheless.